" But that's not the worst of AJ's practices. Over the past six months, I've captured a series of videos showing Ask Jeeves' MyWay and MySearch software installed through security holes -- without notice, disclosure, or consent. For example, in a video I made on March 12, I received more than a dozen different programs including the Ask Jeeves MySearch toolbar -- without me ever requesting anything, and without me ever clicking "Yes" or "Accept" in any dialog box. Watch the video and see for yourself. Warning: The video is 16+ minutes long. Security exploit occurs at 6:00, and Ask Jeeves MySearch software is first seen at 15:50. In this same testing, I also received installation of 180solutions, multiple programs from eXact Advertising, the IBIS WebSearch toolbar, PeopleOnPage, ShopAtHomeSelect, SurfSideKick, WindUpdates, and many more. The underlying network transmissions show that the security exploit at issue was syndicated through the targetnet.com ad network -- Mamma Media, publicly-traded on Nasdaq Small Cap."