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LIvVE.com Privacy Policy

Please read the following to understand LIvVE.com's views and practices regarding
and how they pertain to users of the LIvVE.


LIvVE, Inc. has developed this Privacy Policy for the benefit of the Users of its
to demonstrate its serious commitment to protecting privacy on the LIvVE.
Accordingly, the
following information summarizes LIvVE's personal data gathering and distribution
for LIvVE as found at http://www.LIvVE.com/.

As Internet technology changes, LIvVE may change the content found on the LIvVE, and
its Privacy Policy. Please revisit our Privacy Policy from time to time to be sure
that you are familiar with
our current policy. Your continued use of LIvVE following any modifications to this
Privacy Policy
will be viewed as representing your acceptance of such changes. Please see LIvVE's
Terms & Conditions
for more information on the terms and conditions governing the use of the LIvVE.

Why does LIvVE need my personal information?
In order to provide our Users with a more personalized, relevant and intelligent
service, LIvVE
regularly makes improvements to the LIvVE. The collection of personal data greatly
assists LIvVE
in this improvement process by identifying the specific interests and needs of the
many Users of the LIvVE.
Data collection also assists LIvVE by allowing it to advertise its products and/or
services or the
products and/or services of others in a more efficient manner.

Although LIvVE's primary goal in collecting personal information is to deliver a
customized and personalized
service to Users, LIvVE also uses the personal information it collects to send Users
E-mail notifications
of new features or information available through the LIvVE, and other information
that LIvVE feels
might be of interest to Users of the LIvVE. LIvVE also collects IP addresses, or the
location of your
computer on the Internet, for system administration and troubleshooting purposes.
LIvVE also collects and transfers to its appropriate
partners the personal data volunteered by Users who request information or quotes for
various services
offered through the LIvVE in order for such partners to provide the requested
information or quotes.
Lastly, LIvVE uses personal information for verification purposes for the provision
of some of its

How and what information does LIvVE gather or track?
Through the use of "cookies" (as described below) and on-line data entry, survey and
registration forms,
LIvVE may collect and/or monitor, in aggregate and individual form, personal
identifying facts or
data on, among other things, the following information:

"Demographic" Information
"Technical" Information
"Reference" Information

? age
? home server
? name

? gender
? domain name
? mailing address

? income level
? E-mail address
? telephone number

? site traffic
? password

LIvVE gathers most of the personal information it collects on its Users during an
initial registration
process for certain services. Although some of the personal identifying
information is necessary for LIvVE to deliver certain of its services, most of the
information collected
is optional with respect to use of the LIvVE. Accordingly, Users can determine to a
large extent what
information they wish to submit on a voluntary basis to LIvVE.

In addition to the initial registration process, LIvVE occasionally asks Users for
information at other times, including when they complete optional survey forms or
fill out optional
contact forms for additional information on particular products and services.


"Cookies" are small pieces of information that are stored by your web browser
software on your computer's
hard drive or temporarily in your computer's memory. The use of cookies is now an
industry standard,
and Users will find them on most major Websites.

LIvVE sometimes uses cookies to store and track User information. Cookies enable
LIvVE to
personalize the viewing experience of a User on the LIvVE. When the User revisits the
LIvVE can recognize the User by the cookie and customize the User's experience at the
accordingly. For example, LIvVE uses cookies to recognize User access privileges to
the LIvVE,
track Site usage and traffic patterns, add advertisements for goods or services of
interest, and
estimate LIvVE's audience size.

Although most web browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, if you prefer, a
User may decline
the placement of a cookie on his or her hard drive by using the appropriate
feature(s) of one's web
browser software (if available) to delete the cookie. Users should understand,
however, that certain
areas within the LIvVE may not function properly if the web browser will not accept

Third Party Cookies

In the course of serving advertisements to this site, our third-party advertiser may
place or recognize
a unique "cookie" on your browser.

Does LIvVE disclose personal information to third parties?

LIvVE discloses publicly available or volunteered technical or reference information
of Users in
aggregate form only, and not specific individual data, to advertisers and certain
other third parties.
For example, LIvVE might tell an advertiser how many males between 20 and 30 years in
age visited
the LIvVE during a particular period of time.

In addition, Users are required to disclose certain personal information through
registration in order
to participate in promotions or to request information or a quote from certain third
party providers
that offer services through the LIvVE. It is necessary for LIvVE to share this
with one or more appropriate third parties, who may or may not further transfer the
information to
appropriate vendors, in order to enable the vendors to provide the requested
information or quote to
the User. LIvVE does not control these third parties, and there can be no assurance
that certain
of such parties will not solicit users in the future by E-mail or otherwise. If you
do not wish to
have your personal data shared with third parties, you may elect not to participate
in promotions or
use services that require the disclosure of personal data.

Except as stated above, LIvVE does not disclose or transfer individual personal data
records to
third parties, unless it reasonably believes it is required to do so by applicable
law or valid legal
process or to protect its property interests.

LIvVE deals only with third party advertisers, retailers or service providers
offering for sale
products or services that LIvVE believes may be of interest to Users of the LIvVE.
LIvVE is not and cannot be responsible for the activities or privacy policies of
these third parties.

What about external web sites?

To the extent that Users click on hyperlinks or banner advertisements to access third
party sites
from the LIvVE, Users should understand that these third party sites may collect
identifiable information about them. Users should further be aware that these third
party Websites
are not controlled by LIvVE and, therefore, are not subject to this Privacy Policy.
should check the privacy policies of these third party Websites to see how their
personal information
will be utilized by the proprietors of these sites.

What does LIvVE do to keep the collected data secure?

LIvVE has also implemented a number of security features throughout the LIvVE to
the unauthorized release of or access to personal information. Also, only authorized
have access to any stored personal information LIvVE may collect on its Users.

Please be advised, however, that although LIvVE has endeavored to create a secure and
service for its Users, the confidentiality of any communication or material
transmitted to/from
LIvVE via the service or E-mail cannot be guaranteed. When disclosing any personal
all Users should remain mindful of the fact that it is potentially accessible to the
and consequently, can be collected and used by others without User consent.
Accordingly, Users
should consider carefully if they want to submit sensitive information that they
would not want
disclosed to the public and should recognize that their use of the Internet and the
is solely at their own risk. LIvVE has no responsibility or liability for the
security of
personal information transmitted via the Internet. LIvVE, however, urges all of its
to exercise caution when conveying personal information over the Internet.

What about the collection of personal information from children?

LIvVE does not intentionally collect or maintain information through its LIvVE from
individuals actually known to be under the age of 13 ("children"). Moreover, at
present, no
part of the LIvVE is designed specifically to target or attract any children.

Further Questions?

LIvVE welcomes questions or comments Users may have regarding this Privacy Policy or
use of your personal data. Please send any questions or comments to LIvVE by using
the contact form
in our Help section.

Your experience is extremely important to us.

無料スパイウェア オンラインスキャナ
今月の報告トップ スパイウェア
1  QuickSearch Search Bar 0件
2  Alexa Toolbar 0件
3  Chat Watch 0件
4  DashBar 0件
5  PC Activity Monitor 0件
6  BonziBuddy 0件
7  Klez Worm 0件
8  Small-RN 0件
9  Advanced Computer Monitor 0件
10  About Blank 0件