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MECA Communications, Inc
¾ðÊó URL:
ÅŻҥ᡼¥ë: legal@meca.com
Privacy Policy

MECA is committed to honoring the privacy of our members and visitors. This Privacy Policy, part of our overall Terms and Conditions of Service, describes exactly how MECA uses personally identifiable information regarding our customers (such as name, address, and e-mail addresses) (" Personal Information") collected on the MECA Internet web site (the "Site") as part of the registration process or which is gathered in connection with your use of the various services (the "Service") offered by MECA through the Site.

What information does MECA receive and how do we use it?
Registration and Skin Information. When you become a member of MECA or register for various MECA services on the Site, we ask you for your name, contact information, preferences, and certain demographic information (i.e. the country in which you live and your age). This information lets us provide personalized services and communicate separately with you. Your selection of a particular "Skin" for use with the Service (a "Skin") may indicate that you have an interest in materials related to the subject matter represented by that Skin. Selection of a particular Skin will allow you to share your interests with others and receive from MECA advertising, promotions, hyperlinks and content personalized to your particular Skin selections. For example, if you select a Skin related to golf, we may provide to you advertisements, promotions and hyperlinks of general interest to golfers. In order to provide you a rich and relevant experience we may track the Skins you select to alert you to other Skins and materials which we believe you will find of interest. We also use aggregated information about the use of our Service to evaluate our users' preferences and improve our programming.

Promotions. We may occasionally run optional contests or other special promotions on the Service in which we ask participants for Personal Information or demographic information (like a zip code, age or choice of Skin being used). We may use the data we collect in these contests and promotions to send you promotional material about our company or our partners. Your Personal Information collected from these contests and promotions may be used to contact you when necessary and may be shared with other companies for promotional purposes, but only with your prior permission and under the terms and conditions specified when you take part in the promotion.

IP Addresses and Cookies. Like most websites, our server software gathers in log files general demographic information from all users of the Site. This includes browser types, IP addresses and referring domains. We use this information to help us understand our visitors' needs and to improve the Service and our Site. We also use small bits of data called "cookies" stored on users' computers to simulate a continuous connection. Cookies let us "remember" information about your preferences and passwords and allow you to move within the Service and the Site without reintroducing yourself. You can see and control cookies through settings in your browser. However, refusing to accept cookies may limit your ability to access certain portions of the Service or the Site. Occasionally user chat may be retained in the log files as a bi-product of the debugging processes.

Invite-A-Friend. If you elect to use the Service to inform a friend about the Service and the Site, you will need to provide your friend's name and e-mail address. MECA will automatically send the friend a one-time e-mail describing the Service and inviting them to visit the Site. MECA stores this information for the sole purpose of sending this one-time e-mail.

Is the information I provide disclosed to third parties?
As a matter of policy, MECA does not sell or rent your Personal Information to any third party. However, the following describes some of the ways that your Personal Information may be disclosed and used:

Technical Limits. Due to technological and legal limitations, MECA is unable to guarantee that your private communications and Personal Information will never be disclosed in ways not described in this Privacy Policy. For example, third parties (aka hackers) may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or abuse or misuse information that they collect from the Service or the Site. Therefore, although we use industry standard practices to protect your privacy, we do not promise, and you should not expect, that your Personal Information or private communications will always remain private.

Advertisers. We gather aggregate Personal Information and disclose such information in an aggregate (non-personally identifiable) manner to advertisers and other third parties for other marketing and promotional purposes. In these situations, we do not disclose to these entities any information that could be used to identify you personally. However, if you respond to one of these ads they may assume that you fit a certain demographic profile based on the aggregate information provided to them. In addition, when you click on a banner ad, you should be aware that the advertiser may be collecting information from you.

MECA also may allow certain companies, called third-party ad servers or ad networks, to serve advertisements to you through the Service and the Site. These companies may send their own cookies to your cookie file, just as if you had requested a web page from the Site. If you want to prevent a third-party ad server from sending and reading cookies on your computer, you must adjust the settings for cookies in your browser.

Other MECA Service Users. The Service enables users to send and receive instant messages, electronic mail, alerts and other material and information via the Internet. Through the sharing of Skins you also can share your interests and activities with others. Other users of the Service may elect to receive a notice from the Service when you sign on and may send you instant messages and other information via the Service, including their Skins. Features in the Service allow you to stop these notices from being sent and to elect to not share Skins. Of course, if you elect to exchange messages and share information and Skins with others, MECA has no control over what these third parties do with this information. For this reason, MECA strongly recommends that you use care when disclosing personally identifiable information to others.

External Service Providers. You may separately agree to provide information about yourself to other companies who provide content for various parts of the Service, in order to use their services, order their products, or receive offers from them. If you agree to provide information to these companies, that information will be subject to their privacy policies. MECA has no responsibility or liability for these independent policies. You should, therefore, review their privacy policies carefully if you have concerns about what information is collected and how it may be used.

Internal Service Providers. We may use internal service providers to facilitate and evaluate the Service. This may require disclosure of some of your Personal Information to these service providers. In some instances, the internal service provider may collect information directly from you. In all cases, these internal service providers' use of your Personal Information is restricted by confidentiality agreements and the terms of the MECA Privacy Policy.

Other Related Entities. From time to time we may provide information about you to our subsidiaries and joint ventures in order to provide you the Service. Each of these entities will comply with the policies described in this Privacy Policy. In addition, if the stock or assets of MECA, its subsidiaries, its joint ventures, or any combination of such, are acquired by another entity, some or all of your Personal Information may be provided to such successor.

Legal Requests. MECA may disclose your Personal Information to law enforcement and such other government officials as we, in our sole discretion, believe necessary or appropriate, in connection with an investigation or prosecution of alleged illegal activity or to protect the rights and safety of MECA or its users. MECA also may disclose information about you if it has a good faith belief that disclosure is required pursuant to a subpoena, court order or other legal process.

Co-Registration. We may disclose your personal information to third parties in order to provide you with products and services that you have requested. During the registration process you have the option to view and select offers from various third party companies that may be of interest you, such as retailers and consumer products manufacturers. These offers are made available to you by our co-registration vendors; if you choose to view these offers we will make your contact and other relevant information available to these vendors who will then facilitate your request by forwarding your information to those companies whom you have selected. The vendors are contractually obligated to keep such information confidential and to only use the information for the purpose it was provided. If you do not select any of the offers available, the vendors will delete your information. Please note, however, that any information that is passed on by these vendors to third party companies whom you select is permanently subject to those third parties’ privacy practices, which may differ from ours.

California Privacy Rights. California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits customers who are California residents to request certain information regarding disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. We do not provide your personal information to any third party for their direct marketing purposes without your consent. If you would like more information with respect to your privacy rights under California law, you may contact us at the contact point below. Please reference your request as “California Disclosure Information.”

May I choose what information I disclose?
While we need certain information to register you as a unique user and let you access personalized services, such as MECA, other requested information is optional and may be given at your discretion. However, you may be unable to participate in optional services if you fail to provide certain requested information.

May I choose what communications I receive?
We occasionally send out an e-mail newsletter to MECA members to highlight features of the Service. You can elect not to receive communications from us or from other parties, either when you register or by noting your preference in response to communications from us.

What kind of security is used to protect my information?
We store all Personal Information and other user information in secure databases protected via a variety of access controls. This data is accessed only for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. We limit access to Personal Information to only those employees who need it to carry out their jobs. MECA personnel with access to Personal Information have been advised of the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of such information and of using it only for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.

Your Membership account and Personal Information on our Service is password-protected. We strongly recommend that you do not give your password to anyone and that you change it every 3 months. If you are using a public computer (public library, school computer, etc.) or a shared computer (family computer, roommate's computer, etc.), we strongly recommend that you sign out of your MECA account and close your browser before getting up and moving away from the computer. This will prevent others from accessing your Membership account and Personal Information. Please note that because our company is particularly sensitive to protecting information about children on the Internet, kids under 13 are not eligible to be members of MECA.

What if I need to review or change the contact information I previously disclosed?
We encourage MECA members to update and edit their contact information and keep it current. You can easily correct or update your contact information in the options menu under "My Profile". You may edit your contact information by using your MECA member name and password.

What about children's information?
Children under 13 years of age may not register for MECA or use the Service.

Other information about privacy:
Visitors from outside the United States: For those of you visiting us from outside the United States of America, please note that if you register or use the Service, the information you enter may be transferred outside of your country. By using the Service, you consent to this transfer and to the information usage described above. If you choose to access the Service or the Site from outside the United States of America, you take responsibility for compliance with applicable privacy laws of your country.

Notification of Change: MECA may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this page so that you always will know what information we collect, how it is used, and when and how it will be disclosed. If at any point MECA decides to use Personal Information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will notify affected users by way of an e-mail sent to the e-mail address which you have provided to us. Your use of the Service or the Site following notice of such change will be deemed acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy, which may include application of the new policy to Personal Information provided prior to the date of such change.

Who can I contact if I have any questions regarding my privacy?
Please contact us directly at legal@meca.com with any questions or comments regarding this Privacy Policy or the use of your Personal Information.

Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Rules of Conduct | DMCA Notice | Top
Rules of Conduct

These Rules of Conduct, part of our overall Terms and Conditions of Service, describe various types of behavior which are not permitted in connection with use of the MECA services (the "Service") available to you either through the MECA Internet web site (the "Site") or otherwise. By posting information on or otherwise using the Service or the Site, you agree that you will not upload, post, or otherwise distribute or facilitate distribution of any content -- including text, communications, software, images, sounds, data, or other information that:

1. Is unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libelous, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another's privacy, tortuous, contains explicit or graphic descriptions or accounts of sexual acts (including but not limited to sexual language of a violent or threatening nature directed at another individual or group of individuals), or otherwise violates MECA's rules or policies;
2. Victimizes, harasses, degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability;
3. Infringes on any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, right of publicity, or other proprietary right of any party;
4. Constitutes unauthorized or unsolicited advertising, junk or bulk e-mail (also known as "spamming"), chain letters, any other form of unauthorized solicitation, or any form of lottery or gambling;
5. Contains software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs that are designed or intended to disrupt, damage, or limit the functioning of any software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment or to damage or obtain unauthorized access to any data or other information of any third party;or
6. Impersonates any person or entity, including any employee or representative of MECA.

You also agree that you will not harvest or collect information about the users or members of the Service or the Site or use such information for the purpose of transmitting or facilitating transmission of unsolicited bulk electronic e-mail or communications.

You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, or resell any part of the Service.

You further agree that you will not knowingly solicit or collect personal information from a child under 13 years of age without appropriate prior verifiable parental consent.

MECA will immediately terminate any Membership which it believes, in its sole discretion, is transmitting or is otherwise connected with any spam or other unsolicited bulk e-mail. To the extent actual damages for such spamming can be reasonably calculated, you agree to pay MECA's actual damages. If actual damages for such spamming cannot be reasonably calculated, then you agree to pay MECA liquidated damages of $5 for each piece of spam or unsolicited bulk e-mail transmitted from or otherwise connected with your Membership or account to a particular address.

MECA generally does not pre-screen, monitor, or edit the content posted by users of the Service or the Site. However, MECA and its agents have the right at their sole discretion to remove any content that MECA, in its judgment, believes does not comply with these Rules of Conduct or is otherwise harmful, objectionable, or inaccurate. MECA is not responsible for any failure or delay in removing such content.

If you believe that your work or the work of another has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, MECA has a process in place to respond to your concerns. Please see http://www.mecamessenger.com/legal.jsp#dmca.

Always use caution when giving out any personally identifying information about yourself or your children in the Service and the Site. MECA does not control or endorse any content, messages or information found in the Service, which is provided by other parties. In no event shall MECA (including its officers, directors, employees, affiliates and agents) be liable for claims of any nature, whether direct or indirect, arising from or related to any content made available on or through the Service or the Site, including, but not limited to, errors or omissions in such content, and loss or damages incurred as a result of use of such content. Managers and hosts of the Service are not authorized MECA spokespersons. Their views do not necessarily reflect those of MECA and they do not have the authority to bind MECA.

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1  QuickSearch Search Bar 0·ï
2  Alexa Toolbar 0·ï
3  Chat Watch 0·ï
4  DashBar 0·ï
5  PC Activity Monitor 0·ï
6  BonziBuddy 0·ï
7  Klez Worm 0·ï
8  Small-RN 0·ï
9  Advanced Computer Monitor 0·ï
10  About Blank 0·ï