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LEGO Group Limited

UPDATED: July 5, 2006

Dear LEGO Fans,

We want you to have fun with LEGO products and at our Web site! To make sure your online visit is fun and safe, we don't "play around" with any of the important steps we take to protect your privacy. At the LEGO Group, children's safety and fun as well as parents' trust in our name is serious business!

Below, you will find information about the LEGO Group's Online Privacy Policy. Our privacy policy will tell you how and when we collect information through our Web site, and how this information will be used. To learn specifically about our online information practices concerning children who are younger than 13 years of age, please scroll down to the section entitled "Children Under the Age of 13" or simply click here.

The LEGO Group encourages families to visit LEGO.com together as a shared activity.

We take online privacy and security concerns seriously. At the same time, we are continually working to make your personal experience when visiting or using our site as exciting and pleasant as possible. To help us accomplish that goal, we will need to collect and use some information from you when you use our site.

All of the Web sites under the LEGO.com domain (e.g. MINDSTORMS.com) may collect information from you - personal as well as non-personal - for internal use within the LEGO Group businesses. Any information collected may be shared among companies that are part of the LEGO Group. To see the names and addresses of the entities within the LEGO Group, click here.

In some instances, we may need to disclose personal information about you to companies that we hire so that we may provide you with the best possible service - for example this might be a company that we have employed to ship products that you have purchased through LEGO Shop At Home or a reputable research company hired by us to conduct a survey of our consumers. However, such companies will be under an obligation to keep your personal information confidential.

We may disclose personal information collected from you as required by law, for example in response to a court order or subpoena. We also may disclose such information in response to a specific request from a law enforcement agency.

From time to time, we make our Shop At Home mailing list (names and addresses only) available to carefully screened companies whose products we believe will be of interest to you. If you prefer that we do not share your name and address with these companies, please uncheck the appropriate box during the checkout process or call our toll-free customer service number.

Except as set out above, we will not sell, rent or otherwise disclose any personal information to any company or person outside the LEGO Group, without obtaining appropriate permission prior to such disclosure. We may collect information about you through active as well as passive means.

We may collect information about you and your interests on our site for our own purposes, through active as well as passive means. We may collect personal information directly from you through our sites when: 1) you sign up for the LEGO Club; 2) you sign up to receive newsletters and other information; 3) in some instances, when you enter contests and participate in various activities featured on LEGO.com and other LEGO Web sites; and 4) when you purchase products online through LEGO Shop At Home. We also use passive means to collect some information, such as tracking what pages you go to on the site. This information is then provided to our consumer data department in order for them to determine how to make your experience at our sites more enjoyable.

We will not use personal information we collect from you for purposes other than those for which the information was collected, without asking for appropriate permission prior to such use.

We may use your name and address information to send you catalogs and other product and service information that we believe you may find of interest if, permitted by law. You may opt out of receiving such catalogs and other product and service information (including, but not limited to, marketing research and/or being contacted by a researcher) at any time by calling our toll-free consumer service number in your country or by sending an e-mail - Go to our Service area.

Upon request, you have the right to review any personal information we may have concerning you or your children; see Guests Under the Age of 13 below, and How to Change or Review the Information in Your Online Account or Club Membership below.

LEGO Club Membership

LEGO.com has many different activities you can participate in without giving us any personal information at all. However, if you decide to sign up as a LEGO Online Club member, we will need to obtain some information in order to provide you with the benefits of club membership. When you sign up for the LEGO Online Club, we will ask you to: 1) create a username and a password; 2) provide your birth date and gender; and 3) tell us which country you live in and your postal code. We will not ask for your real name, your mailing address, your e-mail address or any other information that will identify you as an individual.

Children Under the Age of 13

When a child under the age of 13 contacts the LEGO Group online, for example to participate in a contest or to ask a question we will collect that child's email address and the e-mail address of the child's parent or guardian. We will use the child's e-mail address only for the purpose for which it was collected, and we will use the e-mail address of the parents or guardians only to provide notification about the child's contact with us, and to provide notification of the types and uses of information collected as required under the law. We will also provide information as to how the parent or guardian of the child can review and request deletion of the child's personal information, and how to prevent further collection and use of personal information concerning the child.

As a parent or guardian of a child under the age of 13 from whom we have collected personal information, you have the right to review and have deleted such personal information, and to refuse to permit further collection or use of such information. To do so, you should contact us by using the contact information set forth at the end of this privacy policy. Parents and guardians who wish to review personal information concerning their children will be required to specify the usernames and passwords of the children concerned, and to provide their own e-mail address for verification and contact purposes.

No personal information collected from children under 13 will be sold, rented or otherwise disclosed to any company outside the LEGO Group, except for disclosure to companies acting as our agents to help us provide services requested by the child, or pursuant to court order, subpoena or a specific request from a law enforcement agency.

We cannot and will not establish conditions that will require or encourage children to disclose personal information over and above what is reasonably necessary to participate in any activity features on our web sites.

Children under 13 years of age are allowed to participate in contests. However, if such a child wins, notification will be sent to the parent or guardian's e-mail address (provided by the child when he/she enters the contest). Also, we will not ask the child for any personal information beyond e-mail addresses without obtaining prior parental consent. Any personal information obtained from children and parents during contests will be kept until the contest ends and prizes are delivered, and then it will be deleted.

If any activity featured on LEGO.com will allow children under the age of 13 to reveal personal information publicly (for example, via un-moderated chat rooms or bulletin boards), we will obtain parental consent before allowing the child to participate. Currently, all such activities are moderated, monitored and screened.

Purchasing from LEGO Shop At Home Online

When you make a purchase from LEGO Shop At Home online, we will need to obtain personal information from you. We will need your real name and address (billing as well as shipping address) along with your credit card information or other payment method, in order to complete your transaction and ship your products.

If you are age 18 or over, you can choose to set up an online account with us to use for purchasing products from Shop At Home, in which account we will keep all information relating to your purchases, even after your transaction is completed. This will make it even easier for you to shop with us again, because you don't need to submit such information each time. You can review and update your online account information at any time. If you decide to set up an account with us, we will ask you to create a username and password, which will ensure that you are the only one that can access your account. Setting up an account with us will also give you the opportunity to receive e-mail newsletters and other information. If you don't set up an account with us, we will keep your order history in an offline database. When you actually make a purchase, you will also have the opportunity to sign up you and/or your children for the LEGO Club and to receive the LEGO Magazine. You will also have the opportunity to opt out of sharing your information with companies outside of the LEGO Group.

If you feel uncomfortable submitting your credit card information over the Internet, you may submit your name, address and order information through the LEGO Online Shop, and submit credit card information by phone (the Web pages in the Shop will tell you how).

LEGO Electronic Postcards and Other Messages to Your Friends and Family

You can send electronic post cards from various pages on the site, and you can send your LEGO Shop At Home wish list by e-mail to friends and family, if you are a LEGO Online Club member. Any e-mail addresses collected during this type of activity are stored temporarily in a transaction log file for security purposes, and are deleted after a specified holding period.

Does LEGO.com Use Cookies?

Yes. When you log in or register for the LEGO Club online or Shop At Home, we add a cookie to your computer (unless your system is set up not to receive cookies), in order to let us keep track of what games you play and what products you may buy. We also add the cookie in order to remember your browser settings, such as the type of browser you use and what plug-ins you have installed. This keeps us from bothering you every time you enter the site in order to make sure that you have the necessary equipment to play a game or download information from our sites. It also allows us to know how many people are using certain types of software, so that we can adjust our site to provide the best browsing experience for every visitor. Basically, when we add a cookie, we are not collecting personal information, but the non-personal information that we do get helps us make sure that our products and our communications to our guests are responsive to their interests. We hope to be able to continue to make the LEGO World Wide Web sites interesting and entertaining for users of all ages, and to ensure that we continue to make the kind of products that children love and parents trust.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small data files that your browser may place on your computer when you visit different web sites to mark that you have been there.

How do I know when a cookie has been added?

Check your settings... many browsers allow you to choose your preference. If you have set your browser setting to refuse cookies, then we cannot put a cookie on your computer.

What if I don't accept the cookie?

You can still participate a few of our online activities. However, if a LEGO Cookie is not present, it will limit our ability to customize our site for you, deliver a better online experience and improve the features of our site. Some cookies save us from having to check for compatibility of your system with various parts of the site every time you visit, making the site faster and easier for you to use. When you play a game, register for the LEGO Club online, shop, or use the shopping cart, a cookie helps us to keep track of where you are in the site so that you can come back to the same place in a game that you are playing or you don't lose your basket, etc. and makes sure that only you have access to that information. If you don't accept our cookies, you won't be able to save some games, add items to your wish list or shopping cart, and the site will be a little slower as we check your browser's compatibility with our site as you click through.

How to Change or Review the Information in Your Online Account or Club Membership

In the LEGO Group, we're committed to providing high quality products and services and we're equally committed to building long-lasting relationships with our consumers. Relationships like this are built on mutual trust, so whenever you question what data has been collected or you want to change personal information or personal options regarding your online account or Club membership, we encourage you to do so as outlined below.

Personal information collected online from you may be reviewed by accessing your online account. Members and customers who have registered to set up an online account with us may update their account information and change personal options at anytime.

If you have not set up an online account with us, or if you have any questions about our online privacy policies or information we may have stored about you or your child, please click here to contact our Chief Privacy Officer, or write or call:

LEGO Group Limited
33 Bath Road, Slough
Berkshire SL1 3UF
United Kingdom
Attn.: Chief Privacy Officer

+44 (0) 1753 495 000

The LEGO Group may need to change its online privacy policy from time to time to keep up with the ever-changing virtual reality. However, if policy changes are implemented which would materially and adversely affect the online privacy or security of our guests, the new policy will be e-mailed to all registered guests at their e-mail address.

[EFFECTIVE DATE September 1, 2000] [LAST REVISED July 5, 2006]

無料スパイウェア オンラインスキャナ
今月の報告トップ スパイウェア
1  QuickSearch Search Bar 0件
2  Alexa Toolbar 0件
3  Chat Watch 0件
4  DashBar 0件
5  PC Activity Monitor 0件
6  BonziBuddy 0件
7  Klez Worm 0件
8  Small-RN 0件
9  Advanced Computer Monitor 0件
10  About Blank 0件