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Kabillion, LLC.
情報 URL:
電子メール: editor@kabillion.com
Kabillion.com Privacy Policy

Kabillion - The Interactive Network has created Kabillion.com as the online location where fans of the animated television series Kabillion can learn more about their favorite program and characters. Kabillion.com urges both kids and their parents to use and enjoy our website and we are committed to complying fully with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998. Our information collection practices are described below and we strongly recommend that children who want to enter any information on any website to check with their parents first; we think parents should discuss with their children appropriate safeguards and restrictions concerning the disclosure online to anyone they don't know of any kind of personal information.

What Information Is Collected?

At Kabillion we try to avoid creating online content that requires significant personal information from our visitors. We generally limit our collection of information from kids to what is known as non-personally identifiable information such as screen names and birthdate. However, we may request limited personally identifiable information such as kids' email addresses and/or email address of parents, in order to conduct online contests or sweepstakes or offer other online activities such as electronic postcards and newsletters. We do not require the disclosure of more information than is reasonably necessary to participate in the applicable activity.

Contests and Sweepstakes

On Kabillion.com we may occasionally offer contests and sweepstakes, which will be entered online. To participate in a contest or sweepstakes, a child is asked to provide his or her name, age and email address and the email address of his or her parent or guardian. If the child is under the age of 13, we send the child's parent or guardian an email within two business days informing the parent or guardian of the child's entry and asking the parent to grant permission for the child to enter the contest or sweepstakes; if we do not receive an e-mail granting permission within one (1) week, the child's entry is deleted. All personally identifiable information collected by Kabillion.com for contests or sweepstakes is securely maintained and used only for the purpose of conducting the contests or sweepstakes. We delete any personal information collected after the conclusion of the contest except that we may provide information collected to a fulfillment house that helps run the contest or sweepstakes. We require those fulfillment houses to maintain the confidentiality, security and integrity of any information we provide them.

Unsolicited Submissions

Kabillion, and its affiliated company???s, are an active production companys??? and therefore does not knowingly accept unsolicited submissions of creative material including, without limitation, submissions of scripts, story lines, articles, fan fiction, characters, drawings, information, suggestions, ideas or concepts. Kabillion??? policy is to promptly delete any such submission without reading it or forwarding it to other Kabillion departments or personnel. Accordingly, any similarity between an unsolicited submission and any elements in any Kabillion, and/or its affiliate companies, creative work is purely coincidental.

Electronic Artwork Submission

Occasionally, Kabillion provides kids the opportunity to send, through Kabillion.com electronic artwork featuring Kabillion??? characters or other original artwork. In connection with the submission of such original artwork, participants must print out a release form from the site. The child and his or her parent or guardian must sign and return the form to Kabillion with any such submission as a condition of our considering the content. We do not require kids to submit personally identifiable information about themselves (other than their names and ages in some cases) in order to send electronic artwork.
All information collected for electronic artwork is used only to identify the person who created and/or sent the artwork to Kabillion.com, and such information is deleted from our system once the electronic artwork is removed from the site.

Use of Information

Kabillion uses or may use personally identifiable information that kids provide in order to identify their artwork. Kabillion may also share information with consultants and affiliates for internal business purposes. Except for the purpose of announcing contest winners or identification of artwork from children, Kabillion currently does not disclose to third parties personally identifiable information that kids provide. From time to time however, we may share such information with third parties who may be engaged by us specifically to administer certain online activities such as contests and sweepstakes. Such third parties have access to personal information needed to perform their functions, but may not use it for any other purposes.

Additionally, if all or substantially all of Kabillion??? assets are transferred or sold to another entity, we may transfer personally identifiable information submitted to us prior to such transfer.

Finally, we may also disclose personally identifiable information to third parties when required by law or is pertinent to judicial or government investigations or proceedings, or otherwise necessary to protect our website or the safety of its users.

Log Data

Log data is collected on web servers both within Kabillion??? control and under the control of Kabillion.com???s third party providers, who are required to maintain such data on a confidential basis. Log data supplies Kabillion with aggregate information about the number of visits to different pages on our site. Kabillion uses such aggregate information to improve access to our content based on our visitors' browsers and operating system types to make our content available to as many kids as possible. We do not link the log data collected to the personal information that kids submit online when participating in our activities.

Parental Access

Kabillion wants to help parents make sure that their children have a safe and fun experience online. That's why Kabillion established a means for parents to review identifiable information collected about their child and to communicate directly with us have any such information deleted or to request that we cease collecting or using their child's information. You can link to the form from here. Kabillion takes steps to verify the identity of anyone requesting information about a child and to ensure that the person is in fact the child's parent or legal guardian.


Kabillion has taken steps to ensure that personally identifiable information collected in the future is secure, including limiting the number of people who have physical access to our database servers as well as electronic security systems and password protections which guard against unauthorized access.

Links to Other Sites

It is important to note that Kabillion.com may occasionally contain links to sites other than Kabillion.com, and that those sites may not follow the same privacy policies as Kabillion. These sites may send their own cookies to you, and may collect data and make uses of it that Kabillion would not.

Additional Information

Protecting your information is important to us. Unfortunately, transmission of data over the Internet is not guaranteed to be completely secure. It may be possible for hackers or other third parties not under the control of Kabillion to intercept or access transmissions or private communications unlawfully. While we strive to protect your personal information, Kabillion cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us. Any such transmission is done at your own risk. This privacy policy is personal between you and us, and no one else shall be deemed a third party beneficiary of this policy.


If you have any questions, comments or concerns regarding Kabillion.com privacy policy and/or practices, please write to us at:

Kabillion Editor
Kabillion LLC.
21300 Oxnard Street, Suite 100
Woodland Hills, California 91367

Or email us at:

The Kabillion.com website is primarily intended for domestic viewers and is consequently directed towards residents of the United States.
This privacy policy is effective as of May 11, 2005.
Submission Release

無料スパイウェア オンラインスキャナ
今月の報告トップ スパイウェア
1  QuickSearch Search Bar 0件
2  Alexa Toolbar 0件
3  Chat Watch 0件
4  DashBar 0件
5  PC Activity Monitor 0件
6  BonziBuddy 0件
7  Klez Worm 0件
8  Small-RN 0件
9  Advanced Computer Monitor 0件
10  About Blank 0件