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情報 URL:
電子メール: jason@snoboardr.com
OUTeverywhere is a social networking organisation dedicated to connecting like-minded gay men and women. We respect the privacy of our members and the users of our websites and strive to provide you with an enjoyable and personalised experience. We recognise that when you choose to provide us with information about yourself, you trust us to act in a responsible manner. That's why we have put in place a policy to protect your personal information. This page gives more details about our privacy practices.

Nobody can make sure that the people using our services are who they say they are. Be careful when you arrange to meet anybody for the first time. Meet in a public place like a bar, restaurant or busy street and don't go anywhere in private unless you completely trust the person. If you are in any doubt of their intentions, do not continue with contact. You are not obliged to give your telephone number, email address or any private information to any individual and we recommend that you do not give away such information on this site.
What information do we collect and how do we use it?

At times we may request that you voluntarily supply us with personal information. Generally this information is requested when you register as a member or for a free trial of our member website. We may gather information from you:

* When you register with us we ask for information such as your email address, a user ID for use on our member website and your name and location details. We keep a record of this information. This is necessary for us to recognise you as a registered site user. We keep a record of personal information about you so that we can tailor our services to you.
* When you choose to organise an event, we may ask for your name, address, telephone number and email address so that we can provide you with promotional material for your event. We will only do this if you request an organisers pack and will use the information solely for providing the material to you.
* If you tell us that you do not wish to have information used as a basis for further contact with you, by using the settings available on the member website, we will respect your wishes. In some circumstances we need to notify you of information that's directly relevant to your membership (such as if you change your password or upload photographs) or inform you about changes to the service which are very important. In such cases where necessary we will contact you by email.
* We will use your personal details and information we obtain from other sources to provide you with our services, for administering these services and providing information on local events and members, for marketing OUTeverywhere's services, features and member benefits to you, to analyse your preferences with regards the type of information that may be of interest, and to ensure that the content, services and advertising that we offer are tailored to your needs and interests.
* We may disclose personal data in order to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation but any attempt by government, law enforcement and private sector organisations (eg for subpoenas) to gain access to any information that you give us will be vigorously challenged to the fullest extent available to us within the law.
* We intend to continue to improve the content and features of the OUTeverywhere member website and other websites that we produce in order to promote and maintain OUTeverywhere. For this reason we may monitor user traffic patterns and site usage to help us improve the design and layout of our websites and to provide content of interest to you.

Use of Cookies

Cookies are small files stored on your computer or other access device which enable us to store and read information concerning your use of our website. We use two types of cookie. Two 'session cookies' are stored in the memory of your computer when you login to our member website. The first enables us to identify you as you move between pages so that we can personalise the website and present the content that is relevant only to you, such as your personal messages. The second enables us to validate the information against our database so that we can be sure that it is your registered account that is accessing the information, ensuring your security and privacy.

If you choose that OUTeverywhere should remember your login information and automatically complete your email address and password information on the home page of our website, we will also store a number of 'persistent cookies' that will remain on your computer after you have closed down your session and/or rebooted your computer. These cookies enable your web browser to remember your registered email address and password, which is encrypted on your computer.

If you want to delete any cookies that are already on your computer, please refer to the instructions in your file management software to locate the directory that stores cookies. You may also remove them directly from most popular web browsers. Please note that by deleting or disabling future cookies you may not be able to access our member website.

When you visit our website we will also log your IP address, a unique identifier for your computer or other access device. This information is stored to enable us to track fraudulent use of our services or other misuse of our services and we may be required to provide this data to the Police in criminal investigations.

We do not use web beacons or clear images to track emails or your response to any information that we send to you by email.
Do we use your information for marketing?

We will not share your information with any third party organisation for marketing or any other purposes unless we need to do so to provide you with the goods or services you select or if we are obliged by law. However, we will remind you before such a transaction that this information will be required.

We may contact you for marketing or research purposes by email or our personal messaging service with offers of goods, services, promotions or information that may be of interest to you or relevant to the events that you are attending or organising. At the time you sign-up for a free trial, and at any time throughout your use of our member website, you may opt in or out of receiving such communications using the settings on the member website.

We place a great importance on privacy of users and personally identifiable data will never be used by OUT for our marketing purposes, including the display of your profile or event information, without your explicit and informed consent.
Your consent and other people's information

By providing us with your personal information you consent to our processing your personal data for the purposes listed in this policy and in our company's Data Protection Register entry in the United Kingdom.

If you provide us with information about another person, for example by giving us their email address or mobile phone number to send a message, you confirm that they have consented to the processing of their personal data and that you have informed them of our identity and the purposes for which their personal data will be processed. In the case of our Tell A Friend referral scheme, we will not use the email address or personal information you give when referring for any use other than to send one email with information about OUTeverywhere.
How do we protect your information?

Our OUTeverywhere network computers are housed in a highly secure data centre in London. The number of people who have access to this facility, or to our database, is restricted on an absolutely need to know basis.

We offer the use of a secure server when you send payment information to us. Our secure server software encrypts your information before it is sent to us. We also take appropriate measures to ensure that the information disclosed to us is kept secure, accurate and up-to-date and kept only for so long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is used.

It remains each member's responsibility to protect against use by anyone else of the OUTeverywhere website through the machine that member uses while "logged on" to our website, to logout or exist from our website when not using it, to keep the password secret and ensure that the personal email address registered with us is private.
Your contributions to the OUTeverywhere website

We will not reproduce the content of information you make publicly available, such as your postings on our public forums, either in direct or digest form, without your explicit permission. In all cases where we offer pre-login publicity or promotion of your comments, events or other material, we will give you the option to permit or prohibit the use of your material and personal information.

We also offer a reminder about your responsibilities in posting opinions and other content on our websites. Please be aware that any content you make available to other users may well be transmitted by other users beyond the boundaries of this website, without our knowledge or beyond our control, and that unexpected or undesired consequences may flow from that. With regards Shout OUTs, event information, the forums and other public posting areas, our policy is to remove content that may expose us to risk, but we can only do so where we're aware of their content as we don't (because we can't) monitor the content of all postings. Our decision is final and we won't usually comment further in such cases. You are entirely responsible for your own content and postings: we're not liable for harm caused to you as a result of your own postings and you should always consider the potential consequences of posting your comments on a public website such as OUTeverywhere's websites. You should seek the permission of your employer before making any comments in an official capacity. In general, do not post anything that you would feel uncomfortable showing to your friends, family, neighbours or employer.

We may link to a wide variety of other sites and we display advertisements from third parties on our website. We are not responsible for the content or privacy policies of these sites and third party advertisers, nor for the way in which information about their users is treated. In particular, unless expressly stated, we are not agents for these sites or advertisers nor are we authorised to make representations on their behalf.

In order to bring you more personalised services, we ask you to establish a password to gain access to certain services and sections of our member website. You are solely responsible for the control and use of the passwords you create.
Other information

You should note that if our business or any part of it is sold or transferred at any time, the information we hold may form part of the assets transferred although will still only be used in accordance with this policy.

Emails received through our main Member Service address and other generic addresses are reviewed by our Member Service team and forwarded when necessary to other employees. We do not disclose the names of senders to others outside of OUTeverywhere without the permission of the sender.

We use communications service providers in the United Kingdom. As a result our emails are susceptible to lawful access in that jurisdiction. All emails are delivered direct to servers held in the offices of Up and Doing Ltd, the company that owns and manages OUTeverywhere, although they are processed and passed through other networks in an unencrypted format.

We endeavour to keep our files secure and employ the services of experts in the field of internet security in doing so.

We run a limited number of mailing lists, such as our weekly Events Update and New Members Update, and the membership of these mailing lists is kept confidential.

Telephone calls received on our number, and all requests to our mobile phone short code, are serviced by communications companies and all such data recording by those companies is beyond our control. As a result, the traffic data for these calls and texts may be retained by the provider in accordance with UK law and a voluntary code of practice for the retention of communications data.
When and how to contact us

If your personal details change or if you change your mind about any of your marketing or information preferences you should amend your settings or profile on our member website. This will immediately update the information that we hold about you.

This privacy policy may change and therefore you should review it regularly. We will of course notify you of any changes and will post the date of the last modification at the start of the policy.

You are entitled to ask for a copy of the personal information we hold about your identity and to have any inaccuracies in your information corrected. In line with official Data Protection guidelines, we will charge an administration fee of ?10 in all such cases. You should make all such requests in writing to our registered office: Data Subject Access, OUTeverywhere, Up and Doing Ltd, 3 Bramley's Barn, The Menagerie, Escrick, YORK, YO19 6ET, UK. Cheques should be made payable to Up and Doing Ltd.
Feedback and development

Our goal is to respect your privacy. To help us improve our privacy practices please give us feedback. We welcome your constructive comments and feedback. If you have any queries about how we use your information or about our privacy policies please contact us. We also recommend that you read about our identity theft protection features.

無料スパイウェア オンラインスキャナ
今月の報告トップ スパイウェア
1  QuickSearch Search Bar 0件
2  Alexa Toolbar 0件
3  Chat Watch 0件
4  DashBar 0件
5  PC Activity Monitor 0件
6  BonziBuddy 0件
7  Klez Worm 0件
8  Small-RN 0件
9  Advanced Computer Monitor 0件
10  About Blank 0件