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Pivotal Corporation Website Privacy Statement

Respecting the privacy and confidentiality of your personal information is important to Pivotal. This Privacy Policy explains how Pivotal collects, uses, and discloses the information you provide while using the Pivotal Web site at www.pivotal.com (the "Web Site").

This Privacy Policy is based principally on the Canadian Standards Association's Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information.

1. Information About All Web Site Users - If you browse the public portions of the Web Site , you do so anonymously. Pivotal does not collect your personally identifiable information unless you voluntarily provide it to us or you use the password-protected portions of the Web Site. Pivotal may, however, automatically collect certain non-personally identifiable information regarding your use of the Web Site, such as the Internet Protocol address of your computer, your Internet Service Provider, the type of computer and operating system you are using, the pages read and any content downloaded. This information is not linked to you as an individual user. Rather, it is recorded as general statistical information, which may be used and disclosed to others by Pivotal to monitor use of the Web Site, to improve the Web Site, and generally to enable us to provide you with the best possible Web experience. That information may be retained indefinitely for future statistical analysis and other purposes.

2. Voluntary Provision of Personal Information - During your use of the Web Site, you may be asked to voluntarily provide certain personally identifiable information, such as your name, email address, postal address and telephone number, in order to enhance your use of the Web Site or for purposes such as facilitating correspondence with you, registering your entitlement to access certain special features of the Web Site, or to complete transactions. It is always your choice whether or not to provide that personal information. If you choose not to provide requested personal information, you may not be able to use certain features of the Web Site.

3. Consent to Automatic Collection of Personal Information About Users of PartnerHub™ and Customerhub™ Protected Web Site Areas - If you access the Partnerhub or Customerhub portions of the Web Site, you will be deemed to consent to Pivotal automatically collecting personally identifiable information regarding your use of those portions of the Web site.

4. Cookies - Pivotal uses "cookies," a standard technology that installs a small text file on a visitor's hard drive to permit the Web Site to recognize future visits by that computer . Cookies enhance the convenience and use of the Web Site. If you personalize pages, register to download information or watch an archived Webcast, a cookie helps Pivotal remember who you are. As a result, you save time by not having to enter the same information repeatedly. Cookies enable us to understand who has seen which particular Web site pages, to determine how often these pages are visited, and to track the most poplar areas of our site. A cookie will NOT permit us to learn any personally identifying information about you, such as your real name or address, unless you have previously provided that information to us or you have set the preferences in your browser to provide this information. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the opportunity to decide whether to accept it. You may choose to disable the "cookies" option on your browser; however doing so may affect your use of the Web Site.

5. Permitted Uses - Pivotal may use your personally identifiable information to contact and correspond with you, to respond to your inquiries, to monitor and facilitate your use of the Web Site, and to improve the Web Site and our services. That information may be retained indefinitely for future statistical analysis and other purposes.

6. Permitted Email Uses - Pivotal may also use your personally identifiable information to provide you with email or other information about Pivotal products and services and other matters. At any time you may ask Pivotal to stop sending you email and other information by contacting webmaster@pivotal.com. Each unsolicited email Pivotal sends will also tell you how to decline further email.

7. Disclosure of Your Personal Information - The following principles govern Pivotal's disclosure of your personally identifiable information:

(a) No Disclosure Without Your Consent - Pivotal will not sell, trade, lend or otherwise voluntarily disclose your personally identifiable information to third parties other than the Pivotal customers or Pivotal Alliance member you may represent, Pivotal Alliance members, or as required or permitted by law (as explained in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) below) unless Pivotal has your express consent.

(b) Consent to Disclosure to Responsible Client or Pivotal Alliance Member - If you are an employee, agent or other representative of a licensed user of Pivotal products (a "Pivotal Customer") or of a Pivotal Alliance member, you are deemed to consent to Pivotal disclosing information to the Pivotal Customer or Pivotal Alliance member (as appropriate) regarding your use of the Partnerhub and Customerhub portions of the Web Site.

(c) Consent to Disclosure to Pivotal Alliance Members - Unless you instruct us to the contrary, you are deemed to consent to Pivotal providing your personally identifiable information to Pivotal Alliance members. Before personally identifiable information is disclosed, the recipient Pivotal Alliance member will agree with Pivotal to comply with the terms of this Privacy Policy. Pivotal Alliance members may use your personally identifiable information to provide you with email or other information about their products and services and other matters. If at any time you do not wish us to continue providing your personally identifiable information to Pivotal Alliance members, please notify us immediately at webmaster@pivotal.com.

(d) Disclosure Required or Permitted by Law - In certain circumstances, the law may require or permit Pivotal to disclose your personally identifiable information without your knowledge or specific consent. For example, such information may be disclosed if required to comply with a subpoena, warrant, or court order, or if requested by a government institution, which has the lawful authority to obtain the information. Also, Pivotal may disclose your personally identifiable information if it believes, in good faith, that disclosure is otherwise necessary or advisable to protect its interests.

8. Location of Information - Pivotal will store and process your personally identifiable information in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

9. Securing Your Information - To help protect the confidentiality of your personally identifiable information, Pivotal employs security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. Nevertheless, all security and privacy risks cannot be eliminated. You can contribute to the confidentiality of your personally identifiable information by not disclosing your username and password to anyone. Also, please never use ordinary email to send us sensitive information, because unencrypted email is generally not secure and cannot be considered confidential.

10. Accessing Your Information - You may request access to the personally identifiable information that you have provided to the Web site, as well as to information about Pivotal's use and disclosure of that information, by contacting us at webmaster@pivotal.com. Pivotal attempts to keep its records as accurate and complete as possible. You can help us maintain the accuracy of your personal information by notifying us of any changes to your personal information.

11. Other Web sites - The Web Site may contain links to other Web sites. When you click on one of those links, you will connect with another Web site. Pivotal has no responsibility for, or control over, any linked Web sites or their privacy policies or the manner in which they collect, use or disclose your personally identifiable information.

12. Web Site Use Agreement - The Web Site Use Agreement for the Web Site, which may be viewed by clicking here, contains important provisions, including provisions disclaiming, limiting or excluding Pivotal's liability for your use of the Web Site and the software, information and services available through the Web site, and provisions relating to the law and jurisdiction for the resolution of any disputes regarding those matters. Each of those provisions apply to any issues that may arise in relation to this Privacy Policy, and are of the same force and effect as if they had been reproduced directly in this Privacy Policy.

13. Privacy Policy Changes - This Privacy Policy may be changed from time to time. Revised Privacy Policies will be posted here. This Privacy Policy is dated: May 1, 2000.

14. Your Comments - If you have any comments or questions about this Privacy Policy or your personal information, please contact us at webmaster@pivotal.com.

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1  QuickSearch Search Bar 0·ï
2  Alexa Toolbar 0·ï
3  Chat Watch 0·ï
4  DashBar 0·ï
5  PC Activity Monitor 0·ï
6  BonziBuddy 0·ï
7  Klez Worm 0·ï
8  Small-RN 0·ï
9  Advanced Computer Monitor 0·ï
10  About Blank 0·ï