Follow the instructions to install AKVIS AirBrush on a computer with Windows OS:
Activate the check box "I accept the terms in the License Agreement", and press Next.
To install the Standalone version, make sure that the corresponding option is activated.
To create a shortcut for the program on desktop, activate Desktop Shortcut.
Press Next.
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After installation of the standalone version, you will see the program name in the Start menu and a shortcut on the desktop, if during installation the corresponding option was enabled.
After installation of the plugin, you will see a new item in the Filter/Effects menu of your photo editor. For example in Photoshop: Filter -> AKVIS –> AirBrush.
Attention! If the plugin does not appear in the Filter, copy 8bf from the AKVIS folder into the Plugins folder of your image editor.
Consult the tips on how to install plug-ins into Photoshop, or into Paint Shop Pro Photo, or PhotoImpact. Read how to work with our plugins in GIMP or Xara Xtreme. If you still have problems, please write to our support team.