Linocut Effect

Linocut is a printmaking method which uses linoleum, in a technique similar to woodcut. You cut a design into the linoleum surface and print it on a paper.

In a classical engraving the image is created by black strokes on a white background. Linocut's characteristic expressiveness, strong contrast between black and white, and its rich and exuberant strokes are made using a soft material. Some famous artists like Picasso and Matisse worked with this technique.

Under the Painting tab in the Settings Panel you can adjust parameters to convert a photograph into a linocut painting.

Effect Parameters:


Post-Processing Tools

All tools are designed to manually edit the image in the After tab and are only available for the Home Deluxe and Business license.

Attention! If you re-run the image processing, the changes made with the post-processing tools will be lost!