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R.Lilly Tuckerwear Inc.
情報 URL:
電子メール: info@rlillytuckerwear.com
R. Lilly Tuckerwear Inc. Privacy Policy

The "www.rlillytuckerwear.com"website is owned and operated by R. Lilly Tuckerwear??? Inc. ("we" or "us"). Yourprivacy is important to us at R. Lilly Tuckerwear??? Inc. Therefore, we encourageyou to read this policy to find out:

1. What personally identifiableinformation may be collected through this website.

2. How we may use the information.

3. With whom the information may beshared.

4. What choices are available to you and your parents regarding our collection and use of the information.

5. How you or your parent can correct any inaccuracies in the information or request that we delete it from our database.

6. What kind of security procedures we have in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of information under our control.

7. Notice of updates to our privacy policy.

8. Other information.


If you are under 13 years old, ask your parent or guardian BEFORE giving out any information about yourself, such as your name, age, address or e-mail address. You do not have to give any personal information about yourself and we do not ask you to reveal any information that will identify you except your email address when you register to play the Fashion Fantasy Game. Remember, if you are under 13, you must have your parent or guardian make any changes to personal information given to us in the past. If you are ever unsure about anything you are seeing on this Web site, ask your parent or guardian for help.

If you are under 13, we may knowingly collect your email address, which is personally identifiable information, only with your parent's permission. Following receipt of your parent's permission, we collect your email address and screen name. ONE OF OUR RULZ IS THAT YOU CREATE A SCREEN NAME WHICH DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION.


We collect online contact information in order toobtain parental consent from parents or guardians of kids under 13 and/or to provide parental notice by providing a link to this Privacy Policy wherever we have requested personally identifiable information from kids under 13. If a visitor indicates that he/she is under the age of 13, he/she will be asked to supply a parent's or guardian's email address. In this case, before allowing a kid to use these features, we send an email to the kid's parent requesting the parent's affirmative consent to the kid's participation. If the parent responds by email and gives such consent, we then follow that communication with an e-mail confirmation to the parent and allow the kid to participate in the activity. We also retain the parent's email address in case we need to notify the parent of any policy or other changes and to enable the parent to review, change and delete the kid's personal information collected in our records. If we do not receive the parent's or guardian's consent within a reasonable time, we delete the parent's and the kid's information from our records.

If and when we have obtained consent from a parent, we only ask for and collect from a kid under 13 personally identifiable information that is reasonably necessary for that kid to participate in any given activity online. We also may collect this information to respond to a specific request from a kid under 13. Once we respond to a request from a kid under 13, we may not contact that kid again and the information is deleted from our records. We take very seriously the safety of kids, especially those under 13 and may also collect this information to protect that safety. If we do collect information to protect the safety of your child, we provide notice to you and we do not use that information for any other purpose. You can always ask us to review or delete any of your child's information and you can refuse to permit further collection or use of your child's information at any time by following the procedures described in Parent Portal. However, if you ask us to delete your child's information that is necessary to participate in our activities, we may have to ask yourchild not to participate in our activities.

We do not collect, use or disclose personally identifiable information about kids we know to be under 13 absent parental consent. We urge parents to explore the Fashion Fantasy Game and our site with their children and closely monitor their children's online activities.

Please also read the rest of our privacy policy.

1. Information We Collect

We do not collect any personally identifiable information about you unless you register or actively sign up for a newsletter or another activity. At this time, we only collect your email address when you register to play the Fashion Fantasy Game. With respect to our visitors under 13, we do not collect more personally identifiable information than reasonably necessary to enable them to participate in a particular activity, and we request parental consent to collect that information. See INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF KIDS UNDER 13. We ask for birthdates only at registration and only for screening purposes. We do not store this information.

For other activities, such as where users request to be an R. Lilly Style Girl or where they can submit content (e.g., fashion ideas, pics of their favorite styles) to the R. Space, we may ask users to submit information about their interests and preferences (e.g., favorite styles and fashion ideas). We do not collect personally identifiable information unless we ask you to provide it. Visitors who order merchandise from our Site will be required to provide their full name, billing and mailing addresses, e-mail address, telephone number and a credit card number. Where an order is being shipped to a third party, we also will need the recipient's name and mailing address. On occasion, we may request additional information regarding ashopper's preferences.

We also may collect certain non-personallyidentifiable information, such as the type of computer operating system you areusing (e.g., Windows or Mac OS), the type of browser you are using (e.g.,Netscape, Internet Explorer), the domain name of the Internet service provider(e.g., America Online, Earthlink), or information about the pages you viewed oractivities in which you participated. The intention is to provide the user witha better on line experience. Also see Use of Cookiesand Other Technologies.

If we decide to change our use of personallyidentifiable information collected from kids under age 13, we will obtainparental consent prior to implementing such changes. If we do not receive suchconsent we will not use the kid's personally identifiably information in thenew manner.


If youchoose to use our referral service to tell a friend about our site, we will askyou for your friend's email address. We will automatically send your friend aone-time email inviting him or her to visit the site. We do not store thisinformation after sending this email.

2. How We Use Information

We use personally identifiable information collected at our site to respond to visitors' requests for information, enableregistered players to participate in the Fashion Fantasy Game and other siteactivities, serve prizes to our contest or sweepstakes winners, or provide ournewsletter or other information about the Fashion Fantasy Game or events to ourplayers. We also may use personally identifiable information provided byshoppers or by parents or adults in other sections of our site to send them, bye-mail or direct mail, notification of special offers or events.

Your screen name is displayed throughout theFashion Fantasy Game website to facilitate interaction in the game and it isused if you communicate with other players. Also, we may publish your screenname if you win a contest or a sweepstakes. Participation in the game willenable visitors to design their own clothes or run and style their own storesand enable them to participate in unmonitored chats about fashion, and exchangeother information as the player sees fit, but the game will not request anyother information. Please be aware that the R. Lilly Rulz prohibit playersfrom voluntarily posting personally identifiable information to internal mailboxes or any other public forums in the game, and prohibits the posting of anyinformation that can be accessed by other players and can, in turn, be used bythose persons to send unsolicited communications. See R. Lilly Rulz.

We use parents' e-mail addresses to notify themwhen we have received personally identifiable information, such as e-mailaddresses, from their children, and to provide them with the ability to consentto, or opt their children out of, participation in a particular activity. Seealso INFORMATION FOR PARENTS OF KIDS UNDER13.

We may use non-personally identifiableinformation that we collect to improve the design and content of our Web pages,and to improve our visitors' experience. We also may aggregate this informationto analyze site usage, as well as to offer products or services.

3. Information Sharing

We do not share our visitors' personallyidentifiable information with unrelated third parties for their own marketingor any other purposes without appropriate consent.

Sometimes, we may need to share personallyidentifiable information collected at the site with our agents or contractorswho, for example, help us conduct a sweepstakes, fulfill customer orders, orassist with customer service. These thirdparties are prohibited from using your personally identifiable information forany other purpose

In addition, we may disclose personallyidentifiable information to third parties to respond to legal process, forexample, in response to a court order or a subpoena. We also may disclose suchinformation in response to a law enforcement agency's request, or where webelieve it is necessary to investigate, detect, prevent, or take action againstillegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats tothe physical safety of any person, enforce our terms of service, includinginvestigation of potential violations thereof, to verify or enforce compliancewith the policies governing our Site and applicable laws, or as otherwiserequired or permitted by law or consistent with legal requirements.

We may transfer personally identifiableinformation collected at the site if we are acquired by, sold to, or mergedwith another company.

We shareaggregated demographic information about our user base with our partners andadvertisers. This information does not identify individual users. We do notlink aggregate user data with personally identifiable information.

4. Your/YourParent's Choices

We ask for aparent's or guardian's consent before collecting any personally identifiableinformation from kids under the age of 13. If we do not receive the parent'sor guardian's consent, we will not collect any such information. See INFORMATIONFOR PARENTS OF KIDS UNDER 13.You or if you are under 13, your parent or guardian may at any time change ordelete the information we have about you. See ParentPortal.

We provideyou the opportunity to 'opt-out' of having your personally identifiableinformation used for certain purposes, when we ask for this information. Forexample, if you purchase a product/service but do not wish to receive anyadditional marketing material from us, you can indicate your preference on ourorder form.

If you nolonger wish to receive our promotional communications, you may opt-out ofreceiving them by following the instructions included in each communication orby emailing us at nancy@rlillytuckerwear.com.

You will benotified if your personal information will be collected by any third party thatis not our agent/service provider, so you can make an informed choice as towhether or not to share your information with that party

5. Your/Your Parent'sChanges

This Web site gives users options for changingand modifying information previously provided. If you are a registered visitor,you are welcome to view, change or delete your registration information at anytime, or to update the contact information we have for you or to inform us thatyou do not want to receive new product or other information from us. Simply goto the Parent Portal on this Website and follow the directions.

Kids under 13 cannot change registrationinformation. Only the parent or guardian can do that. If you wish to review,correct or delete information that we may have about you or your child, or wishto inform us that you do not permit further collection or use of your child'sinformation, please contact us at the following address:

Nancy Ganz, R Lilly Tuckerwear??? 120 East EndAvenue, New York, NY 10028; nancy@rlillytuckerwear.com.

Or go to the ParentPortal.

6. Security

We have implemented safeguards to maintain datasecurity and correctly use the information we collect online. The hosting sitesits behind a Cisco PIX Firewall. The database is protected withusername/password and firewall rules for access.

Because we are sensitive to visitors' securityconcerns about the use of credit cards to purchase products over the Internet,for online orders we use a technology that encrypts credit card data whileinformation is being transmitted over the Internet, provided that the visitor'sbrowser supports the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.

7. Updates to Our Policy

From time to time, we may update this PrivacyPolicy. We will notify you about any material changes in the way we treatpersonally identifiable information by placing a notice on our Site. Weencourage you to periodically check back and review this Privacy Policy.

We will also provide parents notice by e-mail ofany material changes in the way we intend to collect, use, and/or share kids'personal information. Please note that, at all times, parents should updatetheir personal information to provide us current e-mail addresses.

8. Other Information

Use of Cookies and Other Technologies

To enhance your experience when you visit oursite, we send one or more "cookies." Cookies are small text files that we placein visitors' computer browsers to store their preferences. We may use cookiesto determine how many visitors we have and how often they visit varioussections of our Site. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, butyou can adjust your browser to reject all cookies or to indicate when a cookieis being sent. Please note that certain areas of our site can only be accessedin conjunction with cookies and if you disable them, you may not be able toaccess some of our content.

Links to Other Sites

Our Site may contain links to other sites whoseinformation practices may be different than ours. You should consult the othersites' privacy policies, as we have no control over information that issubmitted to, or collected by, these third parties.

Questions and Suggestions

If you have questions or suggestions about this Privacy Policy, you maycontact us at:

info@rlillytuckerwear.com, 120 EastEnd Ave, 9b, New York. NY 10028

This policy was last updated on or about March 14, 2008.

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今月の報告トップ スパイウェア
1  QuickSearch Search Bar 0件
2  Alexa Toolbar 0件
3  Chat Watch 0件
4  DashBar 0件
5  PC Activity Monitor 0件
6  BonziBuddy 0件
7  Klez Worm 0件
8  Small-RN 0件
9  Advanced Computer Monitor 0件
10  About Blank 0件