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Fluid Entertainment
情報 URL:
電子メール: info@fluidentertainment.com


Thank you for visiting Emerald Island and reviewing our Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy explains how Fluid Entertainment collects, uses and protects personal information in relation to the Emerald Island website located at URL www.emeraldisland.com. Please note that by visiting this website and using or allowing your child to use Emerald Island you are agreeing to the terms of this Privacy Policy. We at Fluid Entertainment are dedicated to helping parents of our players and our players themselves learn how to exercise control over personal information while exploring the Internet. We are also committed to safeguarding any personal information we collect online. We encourage parents to actively participate in and monitor their children???s online activities and to discuss online safety habits with their children. We hope that after you have explored Emerald Island with your child and read this Privacy Policy, you will agree that Emerald Island is a safe and enriching online community for your child, and a means to foster an ongoing dialogue with your child about careful exploration of the Internet.

This Privacy Policy will familiarize you with: (1) the Children???s Online Privacy Protection Act; (2) our procedures for updating our Privacy Policy; (3) an introduction to personal information; (4) the categories of personal information we collect, and how we collect and use this personal information; (5) our limited disclosures of personal information to third parties; (6) security measures used to protect this personal information; and (7) your access to and control over this personal information, as well as our contact information in case you choose to do so.

An Introduction to the Children???s Online Privacy Protection Act

We encourage parents to become familiar with the rules and regulations that may govern the websites their children visit, including Emerald Island. Because many of our players may be children under the age of thirteen (13), we are required by law to comply with the Children???s Online Privacy Protection Act (???COPPA???). Congress enacted COPPA in 2000 to ensure that children???s privacy is appropriately protected while they are online. COPPA prohibits certain website operators from engaging in unfair or deceptive acts or practices in connection with the collection, use and/or disclosure of personal information from and about children under the age of thirteen (13) on the Internet. If you are interested in learning more about COPPA and ways to protect your child when he or she is online, please visit http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/edcams/kidzprivacy/adults.htm.

Privacy Policy Updates

This Privacy Policy is effective as of April 30, 2008 and governs all information collected online by Fluid Entertainment prior to that date. As we continue to develop and expand Emerald Island in order to make it a more entertaining and enriching community for your child, we may change our privacy practices. Please be sure to review this Privacy Policy regularly so that you are aware of any changes. We will update the effective date set forth above if we change this Privacy Policy. We will treat all information we collect online in accordance with our Privacy Policy in effect at that time.

An Introduction to Personal Information

Personal information includes information that can be used to identify or locate a specific individual, either online or offline, such as a full name, an email address, or a postal address. We also refer to this information as ???individually identifiable information.??? Please note that there is information that may be personal in nature, but that cannot identify a specific individual, such as a birth date, first name, or gender. We refer to this information as ???non-individually identifiable information.??? Non-individually identifiable information may become personal information when combined or associated with individually identifiable information. For example, the association of a child???s username with his or her parent???s email address results in the username becoming personal information. Certain sections of this Privacy Policy refer to the billing information (e.g., credit or debit card number and expiration date) we collect from parents in connection with a paid subscription. Because this information is not collected from and does not pertain to your child, this information is not considered to be personal information of your child as defined by COPPA. Unless we specifically reference ???billing information???, all references to ???personal information??? or ???individually identifiable information??? refer to the COPPA definitions as described in this paragraph.

The Information We Collect

One of the ways we make Emerald Island safe is to require very limited personal information from our users in order to play Emerald Island. We initially require that your child provide us with a parent???s email address in order to participate in Emerald Island. We will retain this email address so that we may provide updated privacy and other notices and in order to contact you in connection with your child???s safety.

COPPA strictly prohibits us from conditioning your child???s participation in Emerald Island or any of its activities on your child disclosing more personal information than is reasonably necessary to participate in Emerald Island or in any specific activity.

While limited personal information is required to play Emerald Island, additional personal information and other information may be collected by Fluid Entertainment, based on the type of registration and permission levels you choose for your child, in the course of your child???s participation in Emerald Island. The ways we may collect personal information and other information are discussed in more detail below.

Registration: Players can begin with the free player registration which includes creating a username and password. We use filtering technologies in an effort to prohibit the use of usernames that resemble real names. While we strive to filter and prohibit the use of individually identifiable information within usernames, we encourage you to actively participate in the creation of your child???s username.

If the decision is made to purchase a membership, we collect additional information from a player???s parent in the form of billing information in order to process the transaction. This includes a parent???s full name, billing address and (if applicable) credit or debit card number and expiration date. Our financial institution stores your billing information on our behalf and uses this information for the purpose of processing membership payments made to Fluid Entertainment.

Communication within Our Community: Emerald Island uses different communication technologies to facilitate dialogue among our community and to gather feedback from our players. Some of these tools include chat rooms, forums, message boards, messaging features, internal mail, newsletters, blogs, surveys and electronic postcards. You will have the opportunity to choose whether your child is able to participate in, and to what extent your child is able to participate in, certain of these communication tools. You may permit your child to participate in chats where your child is able to communicate with other players using pre-selected phrases only. Alternatively, you may permit your child to participate in real-time chat or open messaging with approved players, or with all players in Emerald Island. Because some of these features allow players to enter open text, the possibility exists that personal information may be made publicly available through these communication mediums. Under COPPA, we are deemed to ???collect??? personal information through these tools, solely by virtue of children having the ability to make personal information publicly available through these tools without any real-time monitoring. All of these communication tools employ filtering technologies that only permit the use of words we deem appropriate and then further prohibit certain combinations of ???appropriate??? words that, when used together, constitute an inappropriate phrase. In addition to the collection of personal information by virtue of these tools, we may also collect aggregate statistical information in connection with these mediums to be used for research and development purposes. Because this aggregate statistical information is not attributed to particular players and is not associated with any individually identifiable information, it is not considered to be personal information.

Inbound Email Communications: If your child initiates contact with us by email with a specific question, request, or issue, we use that email address only in order to address the inquiry. We delete this email address as soon as the inquiry has been resolved. As addressed earlier in this Privacy Policy, we retain a parent???s email address for each Emerald Island player.

Friend???s Email Addresses: We provide the opportunity for your child to introduce friends to Emerald Island by requesting that a special introductory Emerald Island email be sent to them. In order to do this, your child must submit his or her friend???s email address to us, at which point we will automatically send one (1) personalized email to the friend about Emerald Island. This email address is not retained by us for any period of time, is deleted as soon as the email has been sent and is not used for any other purpose.

Cookies: We may use software technology called ???cookies???, which are small information files that allow us to improve the Emerald Island experience for each individual. These small information files are stored in a computer browser and are used in order to ???remember??? individual preferences. We use cookies for research and development purposes, including, without limitation, determining the number of individuals visiting our website and their visitation patterns. We do not use cookies in order to associate particular players with any personal information gathered from those players.

As part of our commitment to maintain the minimal personal information necessary for our operations and the safety of our players, if your child does not log in to his or her account within a one (1)-year period, all of the personal information collected from and about your child, apart from any general or aggregated information used to direct the development of Emerald Island, will be deleted from our databases.

Personal Information and Third Parties

All personal information collected by Fluid Entertainment is exclusively used to provide services related to Emerald Island, including, without limitation, for internal research and development, marketing, record keeping, payment, operational and safety purposes. We do not sell, trade, or otherwise disclose personal information to any third parties for uses unrelated to Emerald Island and Fluid Entertainment. Because we respect the fact that all personal information is sensitive, especially that of your child, we will not disclose any personal information to third parties, other than with respect to the limited disclosures described below.

We may provide the personal information that we collect, the data generated by cookies, or the aggregate information we compile to vendors and service agencies we choose to engage to better provide our services to you. Examples of these third parties include vendors providing technical support and processing services and website performance analysis tools. We may also provide personal information to vendors for contest fulfillment after seeking your consent to do so. These third parties are contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality, integrity and security of any personal information and are required to use any personal information only in connection with providing services to Fluid Entertainment.

We may also disclose personal information to third parties in order to comply with requests from law enforcement or governmental agencies, or requests pursuant to court orders or subpoenas, to protect our rights and our website, to protect the rights and safety of other players and/or to enforce the Terms and Conditions that govern players??? usage of Emerald Island. Finally, we may disclose personal information to a prospective purchaser of all or substantially all of the equity interests or assets of Fluid Entertainment, where permitted by law.

In the future, we may decide to use personal information for additional purposes. If so, we will seek your consent to these additional purposes.

If our needs change, you will have the option to consent to our collection and use of any personal information for purposes of participating in the Emerald Island game, without consenting to our disclosure of any personal information to these third parties.

Please note that we may include hyperlinks to the websites of partners or sponsors of Fluid Entertainment. Upon clicking a hyperlink, you will be notified that you are leaving Emerald Island and that the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions governing Emerald Island will no longer apply to the linked website. We would encourage you to familiarize yourself with the privacy practices governing any linked websites that you visit.


Fluid Entertainment has established measures and procedures to protect and maintain the confidentiality, security and integrity of personal information and billing information. We require employees to use passwords to access the personal information collected. Additionally, all personal information is stored on systems protected by firewalls and utilizing encryption technology. We have informed all of our employees as to their responsibilities with respect to all personal information, and have trained them to ensure that our privacy and security policies are implemented effectively.

Your Access to and Control Over Personal Information

Upon request at any time (after parental or guardian verification), Fluid Entertainment will provide you with the opportunity to review the personal information that your child has provided to us and which we have collected and maintained in connection with Emerald Island. Please contact us at support@emeraldisland.com with ???Personal Information Inquiry??? in the subject line, or contact us at Emerald Island, c/o Fluid Entertainment, 16 Buena Vista Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 94941. You may also contact us via phone at (415) 384- 0533.

Additionally, you may ask for us to delete any and all of this personal information, you may refuse to allow further collection, use and/or disclosure of this personal information and you may revoke any previous consent given to us to collect, use and/or disclose this personal information. Please note that, if you elect to take any of the actions above, we may be required to terminate your child???s participation in Emerald Island or in a particular activity, to the extent such personal information or consent is reasonably necessary to participate in Emerald Island or a particular activity in Emerald Island.

To request further information about our privacy practices, you may send an email to: support@emeraldisland.com with ???Privacy Policy??? in the subject line, or contact us at Emerald Island, c/o Fluid Entertainment, 16 Buena Vista Avenue, Mill Valley, CA 94941. You may also contact us via phone at (415) 384- 0533.

Contact Information

Emerald Island is developed, owned and operated by Fluid Entertainment. For questions regarding privacy, please email support@emeraldisland.com. You can also send mail to:

Fluid Entertainment ATTN: Emerald Island Privacy 16 Buena Vista Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 384-0533

無料スパイウェア オンラインスキャナ
今月の報告トップ スパイウェア
1  QuickSearch Search Bar 0件
2  Alexa Toolbar 0件
3  Chat Watch 0件
4  DashBar 0件
5  PC Activity Monitor 0件
6  BonziBuddy 0件
7  Klez Worm 0件
8  Small-RN 0件
9  Advanced Computer Monitor 0件
10  About Blank 0件