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Rocket Paper Scissors, LLC.
Dizzywood Privacy Policy / California Privacy Rights
Effective Date

This Privacy Policy was last updated on August 22, 2008, and applies to all information previously obtained by Dizzywood. Dizzywood reserves the right to change its privacy policy at its sole discretion. Dizzywood users will be informed of any such change by Dizzywood posting a new privacy policy on the Dizzywood Site. The effective date of any change of the privacy policy will be clearly marked.

Dizzywood is committed to providing a fun, entertaining, and safe website for people of all ages. Our information practices are designed to comply with the United States Federal Trade Commission's Children's Online Privacy Protection Act "COPPA". This Privacy Policy is part of our Terms of Use for the Site. Please review this Privacy Policy regularly so that you will be aware of any changes to it. Your continued use of the Site and/or provision of personally identifiable information by you to us following any such revision means you accept and will be subject to the revised Privacy Policy. Any revision to our data collection, use and disclosure practices that might require notice and/or verifiable parental consent for users of our site under the age of 13 will be done in accordance with COPPA. Any terms not defined in this Privacy Policy shall have the meanings given such terms in the Terms of Use.
Privo's Privacy Assurance Program

Dizzywood (www.dizzywood.com) is a participant in the Privo's Privacy Assurance Program. As part of participating in the Privacy Assurance Program, Dizzywood adheres to the strict information collection, use and disclosure requirements. Privo is an independent, third party organization committed to safeguarding children's personal information collected online, and to helping parents and their children exercise control over personal information while exploring the Internet. The seal posted on this page indicates that Dizzywood has established privacy practices and has agreed to submit to Privo's oversight and consumer dispute resolution process. If you have questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at (415) 882-4400 or privacy@dizzywood.com. If you have further concerns after you have contacted Dizzywood, you can contact Privo directly at privacy@privo.com.
Personal Information Collection and Use Policies

It is our policy to require only the minimal collection of information from our users. We do not condition a child's participation in any of our online activities on the disclosure of more information than is reasonably necessary to participate in the activity.

The safety of our users has always been our highest priority and to that end, we have devised a registration system that is intended to be completed by the parent on behalf of their child. In the registration process to become a member of Dizzywood, we ask the parent to click on links stating that they have read both the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use and that they agree to comply with both. We then ask the parent to choose for their child a username (not a personally identifiable name) and password and to provide their child???s gender. We ask for username and password so that each time their child logs on they have their saved, personalized avatar and collected points available to them for play in Dizzywood. We ask for gender in order to program the player's avatar as a boy or girl character. Finally, we ask for a parent email so that we can send an email to the parent which directs them to click on a link in the email to activate the child???s account. The email addresses we collect are primarily used for our automated account activation and password retrieval systems and to verify parental consent of children to use the Site. We retain the right to communicate safety and privacy messages, general updates, and usability features via email.

If an account has been inactive for 12 months or longer, we reserve the right to purge all of the user information associated with the account from our database.
Parental Review of Information

Parents, please send a letter or postcard to our Privacy Manager at the mailing address provided below if you would like to do any of the following:

Access the personally identifiable information that Dizzywood has collected online about your child, correct factual errors in such information, request to have this information deleted, or request that we no longer collect or maintain such information. Please note that this may require that we cancel and delete your child's account.

Please be sure to include your email address and a telephone number where we can reach you. To protect your child's privacy and security, we will take reasonable steps to help verify your identity before granting you access to the information that we collect and maintain about your child.
Communication Tools

Dizzywood's communication tools facilitate interactivity within our community. These tools include real-time chat. Dizzywood chat is protected by our proprietary filter technology, selective monitoring by staff members, and peer reporting to prevent users from sharing personal information.

Dizzywood uses a software technology called "cookies." Cookies are small text files that we place in visitors' computer browsers to store their preferences. Cookies themselves do not contain any personally identifiable information. Although cookies could enable us to relate a visitor's use of this web site to personal information that a visitor has provided, such as an email address, we do not use them for this purpose. We do use "cookies" to determine how many visitors we have and how often they visit various sections of our site.
Web Visit Logs

We may collect information about you through technology we use to make our web site more interesting and useful to you. We routinely collect our users' visit information including pages visited on Dizzywood, the date and time of the visit, IP address, and the version of browser used. We use this information for improving Dizzywood's content and services and for investigating cases of suspected abuse.
Third Parties

We do not share any personally identifiable information of our users with any third parties, commercial or otherwise, except that we may provide such information to parties involved in a merger, consolidation or other reorganization of Dizzywood or to a party that purchases substantially all of our assets related to the Site. We may, however, also comply with requests for personally identifiable information from law enforcement or other governmental agencies, or requested pursuant to subpoena. We may share aggregated statistical data with our sponsors, partners, or the general public.
Your California Privacy Rights

Beginning on January 1, 2005, California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits our users who are California residents to request certain information regarding our disclosure of our users' personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please send an email or write us:

Rocket Paper Scissors LLC
ATTN: Privacy Coordinator
609 Mission Street, 6th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 882-4400
Contact Information

Dizzywood.com is owned, produced, operated and maintained by Rocket Paper Scissors, LLC. For questions regarding Dizzywood, please email privacy@dizzywood.com. Please note that this email address is used only to respond to inquiries related to user privacy. All other emails sent to this account will be deleted.

Rocket Paper Scissors LLC
ATTN: Privacy Coordinator
609 Mission Street, 6th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
(415) 882-4400

無料スパイウェア オンラインスキャナ
今月の報告トップ スパイウェア
1  QuickSearch Search Bar 0件
2  Alexa Toolbar 0件
3  Chat Watch 0件
4  DashBar 0件
5  PC Activity Monitor 0件
6  BonziBuddy 0件
7  Klez Worm 0件
8  Small-RN 0件
9  Advanced Computer Monitor 0件
10  About Blank 0件