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Rummble Ltd
情報 URL:
電子メール: support@rummble.com
Our privacy policy

Also see:


Your Online Safety
* Rummble Ethics

Rummble Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 29th August 2007

Rummble Privacy Policy

Rummble is a Mobile Social Community networking service that allows Members to create unique personal profiles online in order to find and communicate with old and new friends. Rummble also allows users to upload User Generated Content (UGC) in particular relating to places, venues and Events. The Services offered by Rummble ("Rummble" or "we") include the Rummble Website (the "Website"), the Rummble instant messenger, and any other features, content, or applications offered from time to time by Rummble in connection with the Website (collectively, the "Services").

Rummble is committed to providing the highest standards of privacy and security for our members and abides fully with UK Data Protection Laws and Regulations. This privacy policy also forms part of theTerms and Conditions and by agreeing to the terms and conditions you expressly consent to the use of your Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

1 Data.

"Your Data" means any information about You which is personally identifiable, including, without limitation, Your name, address, telephone number, email address, financial details, Member Name, Password, comments, profiles, personal descriptions, photos and other information from which You can be identified and which You may disclose to Us or otherwise via the Site at any time. If You register as a Member, We collect Data when You: register as a Member, update Your Member Profile or Settings; and use the service. Using Rummble.com (whether or not You are a Member), We also collect Your Data from You when You make a complaint or enquiry or provide feedback to Us and may in monitoring Your communications sent via and use of the service to ensure and check compliance with the Terms and Conditions of Use or Membership Terms and Conditions or otherwise as required by law. Your data is used for; monitoring, developing and improving the Site, Services and Your experience, processing Your registration as a User and to process and administer Your Membership (where appropriate), process and deal with any complaints or enquiries made by or about You, investigate any suspected breach of the Terms and Conditions of Use or Rummble.com Terms and Conditions (as relevant) made by or otherwise relating to You and to monitor compliance including by way of checking postings to the Site, retaining forum or chat room exchanges and using keyword triggers to investigate usage that may be inappropriate, where requested by You, to send You and keep You updated with information by email about existing and new services and special offers from Us.

2 IP Address.

Similar to other Websites, each time you visit the Site, we automatically collect your IP address and the web page from which you came. In order to administer and optimize the Site for you and to diagnose problems with our Site, we use your IP address to help identify you and to gather broad demographic information about you.

3 Cookies.

Similar to other Websites, the Site uses cookies to keep track of your purchases and other activity on the Site and enhance your experience on the Site. We also use cookies to deliver content specific to your interests, to save your password, and if you choose, to save other personal and financial information so you do not have to re-enter it each time you visit the Site. If there are third party advertisers on the Site they may also place or read cookies on your browser. If you wish to disable these cookies, the "help" portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how. However, if you set your browser to disable cookies, you may not be able to access certain areas on the Site.

4 Links and other websites.

Rummble and user profiles may contain links to external sites. Rummble is not responsible for the privacy policies and/or practices on other sites. When linking to another site a user should read the privacy policy stated on that site so that you can understand how those Web sites collect, use, and share information. Our privacy policy only governs information collected on Rummble.net. Rummble.com is not responsible for the privacy statements or other content on Web sites outside of the Rummble.com domain.

5 Security.

Rummble user???s profiles are secured by user-created passwords. Rummble takes precautions to insure that member account information is kept private. We use reasonable measures to protect member information that is stored within our database, and we restrict access to member information to those employees who need access to perform their job functions, such as our customer service personnel and technical staff. Please note that we cannot guarantee the security of member account information but we do our best to do so. Unauthorised entry or use, hardware or software failure, and other factors may compromise the security of member information at any time. For any additional information about the security measures we use, please contact us by means of the Feedback Form.

6 Control of Your Password.

In order to protect your privacy, Rummble.com recommends that you not share your password with any third-party that would allow them access to your account and profile information.

7 Global use.

This service is accessible via the internet and therefore can be accessed by anyone around the world. Other Users can also be or access the service anywhere in the world. This means that, where You post Your Data on the Site, this could be accessed from anywhere around the world and therefore a transfer of Your Data in/out of the European Union may be deemed to have occurred. This site is governed by UK law and regulations. You consent to such transfer of Your Data for and by way of this purpose.

8 Our Security Precautions.

The Site has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Our secure server software (SSL) is the industry standard and among the best software available today for secure commerce transactions. We encrypt all of your personal and financial information as it travels over the Internet and we store your financial information on our servers in encrypted form. Your information may be transferred to and maintained on computer networks which may be located outside of the country or other governmental jurisdiction in which you reside, and the country or jurisdiction in which these computer networks are located may not have privacy laws equivilent to the laws in your country or jurisdiction. We operate within the laws of the United Kingdom. Rummble is registered with the United Kingdom's Data Protection Act.

9 Sharing and Disclosure of Information.

Except as described above, Rummble.com will not disclose personal information to any third party without a user's explicit permission unless required by law, court order or as requested by the police. Rummble reserves the right to transfer personal information to a successor in interest that acquires rights to that information as a result of the sale of Rummble.com or substantially all of its assets to that successor in interest. For more information see the "Changes in Our Privacy Policy" section below.

10 Changing our Privacy Policy.

Please note that we will continue to have the right to change our privacy policy, and how we use your data without notice, as described in the first paragraph of this Privacy Policy, provided that such changes shall only apply to information gathered on or after the date of the change. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Statement to stay informed about how we are protecting the personal information we collect. Your continued use of the service constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Statement and any updates.

11 General.

Always think carefully before disclosing Your Data or other information to other Members or otherwise posting Your Data on the Site. It is important that You are aware that any of Your Data or other information which You disclose to another Member may then be disclosed on the Site by that Member. As stated in the Terms and Conditions, We have no responsibility or control over the contents of communications made between Members.

12 Contact.

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, the practices of the Site, or your dealings with the Site, you can contact us by means of the feedback form (you may need to be logged in to access this link). If you are not a site member with an issue falling outside of membership of Rummble you can contact us through our business address. Issues with regards to membership should be deal with via the Rummble feedback form and within the remit of your membership on this site. If you unsubscribe and delete your membership we may be unable to assist you to the same degree as data that we may need to resolve your issue will have been deleted when you unsubscribe in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

無料スパイウェア オンラインスキャナ
今月の報告トップ スパイウェア
1  QuickSearch Search Bar 0件
2  Alexa Toolbar 0件
3  Chat Watch 0件
4  DashBar 0件
5  PC Activity Monitor 0件
6  BonziBuddy 0件
7  Klez Worm 0件
8  Small-RN 0件
9  Advanced Computer Monitor 0件
10  About Blank 0件