
AKVIS Retoucher is available as a standalone program as well as a plug-in for graphics editors.

The workspace view depends on which editing mode is chosen in the Control Panel: Express or Advanced.

In Express mode, the program's interface is extremely simplified, with a minimal set of tools designed to quickly achieve a satisfactory result.

AKVIS Retoucher Workspace (Express)
AKVIS Retoucher Workspace (Express)

In Advanced mode, all options and tools are available.

AKVIS Retoucher Workspace (Advanced)
AKVIS Retoucher Workspace (Advanced)

Most of the program's workspace is taken up by the Image Window, above which is the Control Panel with the following controls:


To the left of the Image Window there is the Toolbar. Different tools will appear, depending on the workspace mode Express/Advanced chosen. The tools' parameters are shown in a pop-up box after right-clicking in the image window.


Navigate and scale the image using the Navigator. In the Navigator you can see the reduced copy of the image. The frame shows the part of the image that is now visible in the Image Window; the areas outside the frame will be shaded. Drag the frame to make other parts of the image visible. To move the frame, bring the cursor inside the frame, press the left mouse button and, keeping it pressed, move the frame in the Navigator.


To scroll the image in the Image Window you can press the spacebar on the keyboard and drag the image with the left mouse button. Use the scroll wheel of the mouse to move the image up/down, by keeping the Ctrl on Windows, on Mac key pressed – to the left/to the right, by keeping the Alt on Windows, Option on Mac key pressed − scale the image. Right-click on the scroll bar to activate the quick navigation menu.

Use the slider or the buttons and , to scale the image in the Image Window. When you click on the button or move the slider to the right, the image scale increases. When you click on the button or move the slider to the left, the image scale reduces.

You can also change the image scale by entering a new coefficient into the scale field. The fall-down menu shows some frequently used coefficients.

You can use hot-keys to change the image scale + and Ctrl++ on Windows, ++ on Mac to increase the image scale and - and Ctrl+- on Windows, +- on Mac to reduce the scale.


Under Navigator is the Settings Panel with parameters for the algorithm and tools.

Under the Settings Panel you can see Hints for the parameters and buttons when you hover over them with the cursor.